Friday, July 29, 2011

20 Weeks!

Let me just tell you what a week it's been!  Craig and I had a rough week with being pounded with trials and trying to keep our head up.  We knew it'd get better once Thursday came and we counted down the hours until we got to see our baby.  Craig decided to jinx it though!...He said one of the days...With the week we're having just because we're excited for Thursday, watch we won't be able to find out the sex.  ....And that almost happened!...

We had our appointment at 10:15 and were on time and ready for the big ultrasound.  I drank a Mt. Dew on the way because whenever I drink one the baby is really active.  That backfired because it went right through me.  We went back in the room and got all situated and the tech tells us the baby is in a horrible position to see in between the legs.  We looked around at all the different things for about 10 minutes then she had me go empty my bladder.  I was very grateful.  I came back in and it moved the baby a little bit but "it" was sitting breach position (feet down, head up) right on it's butt with legs under.  We got to see the brain, heart, feet, hands, legs and all the important parts.  Still no luck on in between legs.  She had me shift on my left side; no luck.  Then back onto my back; no luck again.  What a shy baby.  By this time it'd been about 30 minutes and once again my bladder was getting full.  It was funny to see the baby kicking right on my bladder and I could sure feel it.  I was afraid if it got too full we'd be done and not get to find out; good one Craig on jinxing it.  She had me shift one last time to my right side.  Then Jaycee said she had to go potty.  Craig says as he walks out, "Maybe the baby is shy and doesn't want a crowd."  Right as they left the baby shifted and we got to see!  The tech asked if I wanted to know or wait til he came back.  TELL ME!  You see those 3 lines...IT'S A GIRL!  We briefly got to take a look and then back she flipped.  Craig came back and asked if "he" was being shy.  And I said, "It's not a he."  We didn't get to see between the legs again.  At the end she said pretty sure a girl but since we couldn't see again we'll try in a couple weeks.  But 3 lines is 3 lines.  We finished by meeting Dr. Stein.  I was very impressed and she was so good with Jaycee and let her put the "goo" on my belly and then use the machine to find the heartbeat.  It was cute how much she cared about letting Jaycee help.  Jaycee loved it too.

I had ordered flowers for my mom for her birthday, which was the same day, and called Gibby's first thing to put the message on the card.  I sent Craig's mom & dad a e-card telling them.  Dawn was the first to text and figured I might as well call and tell her the good news.  It was fun to keep everyone in suspense, at least for a couple hours.

I'll admit that I was thinking boy just because my cravings have been a little different than Jaycee, but knowing the ultrasound was coming, I've had a feeling all week it was a girl.  If you go by old wives' tales I was pretty sick and took pills everyday and the heart rate has always been 150-160.  But who knows if those are accurate. I am SO excited.  I'm sure I'd be happy with a boy too, but I LOVE having my little girl, and now I get two of them!  I asked Craig what if the 3rd is a girl too?...Maybe 4 kids is in the plan?...we'll see I guess.  He could care less. He loves his girls.  And it's a good thing he's manly and patient. 

I bought a blanket for the baby thinking it was a boy, so I went to Walmart yesterday and switched to a girl one.  I'm saving it for a Christmas present.  It was cute too because Jaycee picked it out.

A tradition in Craig's family is on Christmas Eve all the kids get new PJ's and they wear them that night.  That's a tradition I want to keep.  We bought Jaycee's PJ for this year already, so better get the new baby some too.  I found this one and a pink one with monkeys and Jaycee picked this one too.  She's got good taste. 

A lot of people have been asking also what names we like.  We do have a good girl name list going.  I'm sure I'll add to the list and when she's born the name that feels right will be the name.  He middle name will be May after Craig's grandma and my great-grandma.  For first names we like: Hadley, Kassidy, Makall, Raegan, and Sawyer. 

*We couldn't get great pictures because of positioning*
Side profile with arm sticking out.  Our baby is a hand sucker again

Here she is waving 

 Another profile pic

Not the "lack thereof" but "presence thereof"  It's really hard to see but the 3 lines indicate girl parts


Thursday, July 21, 2011

19 Weeks!

I'm a slacker and forgot to take a pic last week. I promise to take one this week and post.

I've noticed 3 new things this week being pregs:

1. I'm an emotional wreck!  I had a horrible week last week!  On Saturday I was snappy and onory and wanted to be myself so I  decided to scrub the kitchen floor.  As I'm scrubbing I'm bawling my eyes out.  Poor Craig-what he has to deal with.  After I took a cat nap and woke up happy again.  I don't remember being so bad with Jaycee, but I guess I do remember a couple times crying or being mad for no reason.  I ask Craig if he's sure he wants one more because what he has to deal with....what a patient man he is.  I guess I just got used to controlling my hormones the past year and Craig getting his wife back.  he he.  The sacrifices we ALL make for children.

2. Since when at 19 weeks do you start leaking?  I know that sounds gross, but it's already time for me to start getting ready?!  I'll admit though...I'm really excited.  It kinda made me realize that we really are only 4 months away.

3. Even though I've already been through labor, I'm scared!  I don't mind IV's but I dread getting the EPIDURAL!  OUCH!  With Jaycee I didn't have to go through many contraction pains before they gave me my epi.  I'm scared I'll have to go through more pain before I can get the epi and the thought of the needle in my back makes me shiver!  But after that it's smooth sailing.  I wonder if I'll ever get over my fear of labor.

Only 7 more days until the big news!  I've got a good mix of boy vs. girl votes.  I seriously can't wait!

Friday, July 15, 2011

18 Weeks

Can you believe that in 2 weeks I'll be half-way done!....Well if I carry full 40 weeks. Wowee.  Time is flying.

We had another apt yesterday.  We were supposed to meet with Dr. Stein but she had an emergency C-Section upstairs so wouldn't be back for about an hour so we just saw the n.p.  I'm not a huge fan of her because of her incompetence but she was very nice.  They did the weight and b.p. then she came in.  Craig had to take Jaycee potty, and she said to wait until they came back to look for the heart beat.  I thought that was really nice of them.  They definetely don't rush you here.  The heart beat was at 150 and strong.  It was funny because she had asked if I started feeling the baby yet, and at that moment it was moving around.  We had fingers crossed that we could get an ultrasound to check the sex of the baby, but again we were told that they wouldn't do it until 20 weeks when they do the "target" ultrasound.  Since we were a little off-schedule with the 4 week apts I thought they'd make us wait another 4 weeks to do the U/S, which I'd be 22.  But they didn't!  We have our apt on July 28 @10:15 am!  I'm counting down the days.  I wanted to keep it a surprise  from everyone but with Christmas coming up, that prob wouldn't be a good idea.  So keep posted for the big announcement.
With Jaycee before Julia even told me 99% girl I just "knew" that's what it was.  Although I did have my doubts.  But I really wanted a girl first so I doubted myself of my feelings or if that's just what I wanted.  I really feel like this one is our boy.  I do doubt myself again so we'll see.  Although Craig thinks a boy too.  A lot of people ask what I want and say... you probably want a boy?  Honestly, I don't care.  I'd love to have a boy and for Craig's sake, he could have someone that's not emotional.  But then again, a girl would be good for Jaycee and plus I have everything I'd need for a girl.  So either way.  I'm nervous for a boy because of the whole name issue I always have.  I have a good list of girls names that I feel confident about.  Boys on the other hand....the name I really like right now is really popular and most my family doesn't like it.  But hey, if he looks like that...that'll be the name.  Just because it's the only one that "feels" right to me.  So I'm always up for looking at names and ideas.

Everything else is going great.  No more sickness.  Food sounds and tastes good again.  I do notice it's getting harder to bend straight over without it hurting.  We went to pick weeds in our garden and that was a chore because I couldn't lean over.  Jaycee is getting used to the fact that mommy won't "hold you" anymore.  It's not that I can't, I just want her to get used to it.  But she does still love to climb all over me and sit right on my stomach.  That hurts.  I haven't been walking as much because it's been so stinkin hot lately.  I do some exercises of leg lifts, squats and twists everyday, but probably isn't as good as walks.  My food craving lately has been egg salad sandwiches and seafood!  I've made those sandwiches everyday and crave salmon, fish, tuna and shrimp!  I don't get my seafood fix as easily, but hopefully in 2 weeks I'll get some more.  Good thing we live in Maine.

Keep updated on my "baby bump" page.  I'll be adding 18 week pic within the next few days.  There's def no hiding the pooch anymore.  Now I just accept and show it off.  2nd trimester is the best!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

17 Weeks

Seems like just yesterday I was posting from last week.  I take that as a good thing. 

I got another bill in the mail from the hospital.  Remember back in the post "Even Level" when I said I had to go in for lab work TWICE when they told me I probably was still pregnant?  Can you believe they can charge $550 to take some blood and test it?!  That's ridiculous!  I'm only 17 weeks pregnant, been to the doctor 2 times for checkups and have already spend $1200 towards my deductible.  ALL ON LAB WORK!  I thought getting to a $2500 deductible would take forever.  I'll most likely hit it before I even deliver.  Good thing for good insurance and a maximum out of pocket!

It has been really hot this week!  It's been in the 80's everyday.  To some on the west you'd think that's good.  Well you add humidity and 80 feels like over 100!  Needless to say, Jaycee and I have played in her pool everyday.  Our tans are looking pretty nice.  Craig calls us his mexi-girls.  I don't know if being a human incubator has made me more susceptible or what.  I'm just glad I'm not 8 or 9 months pregs right now. 

I still have felt what I think is the baby a couple times.  Once a day if I'm lucky.  It just feels like a flop or flutters.  I can't wait to feel the real kicks.  That's one of the best things about being preg.  I'll be honest, I hate being pregnant.  The thought of having 4 kids and doing this 2 more times makes me dread the idea.  But some of the best parts are: giving in to cravings, getting pampered, feeling little kicks, developing a new womanly figure that's fun to dress up, delivering your bundle and "it" wrapping you around "it's" finger, the bond of breastfeeding, buying baby clothes, doing the nursery, and mostly when they learn to talk and say "I love you"!  That right there takes away the not-fun times throughout the measly 9 months.  I'm just getting so anxious and ready to know what I'm having and to hold and give more love to another person. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

16 Weeks!

The last two weeks have flown by and so excited to be 4 months!  Crazy to think that 4 more weeks and I'll be half way done.  I've been feeling so good for the most part.  There are a couple days here and there that I get nausea but nothing compared to the beginning.
I feel like I've gained so much weight and maybe I stress too much about it.  I have gained 15 pounds!  There are times that Yes, I do splurge on sweets, but for the most part I don't eat tons of food.  There's just something about my metabolism and pregnancy that don't mix.  I even get out and go for walks.  But I guess the most important thing is that I'm eating to feel good and feed the baby.  That's the important thing.  I do still have some pants that aren't maternity that I can still fit, but they aren't as comfortable so I mostly wear my maternity bottoms.  The tops are too big still.  I seem to be carrying about the same as with Jaycee but still is hard to tell at this point.  It says in my "baby bible" that generally you don't feel the baby until weeks 18-22.  I felt Jaycee around 21 weeks with her kicks.  I swear that I've felt this baby already!  It's not kick feeling but more of flutters every once in a while.  I'm pretty sure it's the baby.  I don't seems to be craving much now days and most things sound good to eat. 
So I'm excited to be to this point and feeling good.  I have already bought large quantities of size 1 and size 2 diapers and found Newborn at Sam's.  I'll prob buy at least one more pack of those.  Now the next step is to find out the sex so I can get the room all ready!  I did find the bedding I want to get if it's a boy
and if it's a girl I'll do the same as Jaycee but add some lavender and lime green or something.  I can't wait until we find out the sex.  Although I still think it's a boy even though I doubt myself.  We'll find out about the beginning of Aug!  Yahoo!