Thursday, April 28, 2011

7 Weeks

Today I am officially 7 weeks preggers.  I'm feeling pretty good.  There has been a couple days I got really nauseated and about puked.  Mostly it was because I was very hungry.  So looks like it's come to that time that if I get hungry I better eat something.  I haven't really had any cravings besides fruit juice.
I've been extremely tired!  I usually sleep as long as Jaycee will let me, then when she goes down for a nap so do I. Also I've noticed I have hardly any energy and doing the simple things I used to always do just ware me out.
I've had a couple of other symptoms of sore ta-tas, some of my gums got swollen (that happened with Jaycee too), going pee all the time, and feeling bloated.  I swear I look like I'm already showing and makes it hard because I feel round in my tummy area.  I make sure to go for walks everyday and been doing weights at night with my arms.  I'm gonna try really hard not to gain as much as I did with Jaycee, but if it happens at least it's healthy weight gain.  I'm excited for about 5 weeks to start telling people!


  1. MISS YA little sis! I feel so sad not being with you doing your preggers this time! Know I think and pray for yall every day! I CANNOT wait to see some pics....Love you :)

  2. AND don't worry about your round little tummy. You will manage to look stunning as always!

  3. Man oh man I wish I could be with you. Those are some of the same symptoms I had with Oaklee. With Wy I had nothing. But with Oakers I had sore nipples, nausea (found out if I kept food in all the time mostly in morning I was fine), and very tired. The weight thing is extremely difficult especially with you trying so hard to loose it. But as D said, you will look cute either way.
