Monday, April 18, 2011

Lovely Health Care

So I have been waiting anxiously next to my phone since Friday for a phone call from the doc office.  1:30 came Monday and I was getting nervous so Craig called for me.  The lovely doc office didn't ever receive my blood work I got done Friday from the hospital.  So Craig then called the hospital and they said they did send it, but said they'd send it again through fax.  So then, AGAIN Craig called the doc office and they got the new report.  They said my levels went up substantially and I was pregnant by the looks of my blood work.  They continued to say since I wasn't far along it'd be too early to see anything...DUH!  We just wanted them to give us the okay that we were in fact still pregnant and no miscarriage happened.  So looks like May 18 will be a very important day.  I pray that we hear a heartbeat and all goes well!  I'll be one day  under 10 weeks.  I can't wait so we can actually smile and be excited!

1 comment:

  1. UGH!!!! How annoying. Jeez, I know its not too populated out there, but how hard is it to do your job??? I cannot believe you are having to go thru that. On a positive I am super excited that its looking so good. I just knew your levels would look good, but again fingers crossed for a GREAT appt on May 10! Counting down sucks, but I am here counting with you.... Love you :)
