Wednesday, May 18, 2011

10 Weeks

Technically I don't officially become 10 weeks until tomorrow, but thought I'd update a day early.  We had our doctor's appointment!  AND!......ONE SINGLE HEARTBEAT WAS FOUND!  I can take a big sigh of relief.  We got things all figured out, paper work done, due date of Dec 16, and finished with the ultrasound.  It was fun to have my first appointment close to ten weeks because we could actually see the arms and feet wiggling around in there.  Craig was amazed at how much the baby has grown.  He was expecting to see a "grain of rice" but instead got to see a grape. he he.  Everything is going really well and at our next appointment we get to meet the doctor who will actually be delivering our baby.  Dr. Bradfield.  It'll be different to have a male doctor, but I've heard very good things about him.  I was impressed with the office with how apologetic they were and they took time to go over everything and not feel rushed one bit.  I was bummed we didn't get to meet the doctor yet, but glad we got the ultrasound to verify all is well.  Jaycee didn't like sitting in the office, but luckily they gave her some stickers to play with so that made her happy.  We are just so excited to have the best Christmas present ever this year!  Also I finally to get to spill the beans to the family.  So if you're reading this for the first time...Yes, Craig and I are pregnant and you heard it from us :) 


  1. I knew it...about a month ago I woke up in the middle of the night and woke Kenny up and said Amanda is pregnant...and then went back to sleep!!! Yeah!!! I am so excited for you guys!!!!

  2. well i am winner winner chicken dinner :0) I am so glad that silly nurse was wrong and you got to prove your momma instincts to her. I am so thrilled to see the ultrasound, he is bigger than i thought too! Keep us updated and know we love yall super much. Happy Christmas indeed! xoxoxo
