Saturday, April 25, 2015

36 weeks

Officially 9 months pregnant and starting to really feel big.  Some of my maternity shirts are even looking a little shorter.  I'm trying hard to eat decent & keep my weight under control. 
The worst is in the night I'm finding it's harder to sleep.  If I sleep directly on my side, it gets numb so I have to switch.  I usually kick my leg over just a bit to keep blood flow but lately baby boy hates it.  He pushes against me hard.  So between him pushing, getting comfortable, not getting numb & going to the bathroom at least 2x nearly every night---sleep is just not my favorite time. 
Also lately I'm getting lots of heartburn!  I try to limit my Tums intake.  They do work but usually for just a short time.  I've been drinking chocolate milk to try to help-well, and because it's soooo good.  If you know me, I usually hate milk!  I have had some fun cravings this pregnancy: ranch, queso & chips, mt dew, burger bites from Chili's, fast break candy bars, salads from multiple places (mostly cuz I love ranch!), Sonic cream slushes (we've gotten these many times), but one that I've had from the beginning but was just the wrong season...watermelon!  I finally got some this past weekend and bought & went through 3 bowls from Albertsons.  It is pretty much amazing!  I'm just loving all the fruit right now with strawberries & cantaloupe and my watermelon.  Yum!!!!  It is pretty fun to see what cravings come and fun that it's been completely different than the girls.

On Sunday as I was getting the girls ready I realized, what the heck do boys wear to church?!  Then I realized, I have nothing for him to wear.  So this week I bought a couple nicer shirts for him to wear.  Also we got all our newborn diapers & his cute little swing.  I didn't really want to buy a new swing but it's crucial for my babies.  Also I don't trust the swap pages ones cuz if something goes wrong I can take it back to Walmart.  This was the cheapest one we could find.

This week on the agenda is to take a practice drive to the hospital.  I've been there to my appointments, just a few as it's a different location, but I have no clue where to go for the delivery.  We did find someone to watch the girls.  She's from our Boise ward and her little boy is in Jaycee's K class.  I thank Heavenly Father for giving me inspiration to ask her.  I feel so comfortable with them going there while baby is born. 

A few more weeks until I get to post the big reveal :)  So happy, blessed & excited!

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