Friday, July 1, 2011

16 Weeks!

The last two weeks have flown by and so excited to be 4 months!  Crazy to think that 4 more weeks and I'll be half way done.  I've been feeling so good for the most part.  There are a couple days here and there that I get nausea but nothing compared to the beginning.
I feel like I've gained so much weight and maybe I stress too much about it.  I have gained 15 pounds!  There are times that Yes, I do splurge on sweets, but for the most part I don't eat tons of food.  There's just something about my metabolism and pregnancy that don't mix.  I even get out and go for walks.  But I guess the most important thing is that I'm eating to feel good and feed the baby.  That's the important thing.  I do still have some pants that aren't maternity that I can still fit, but they aren't as comfortable so I mostly wear my maternity bottoms.  The tops are too big still.  I seem to be carrying about the same as with Jaycee but still is hard to tell at this point.  It says in my "baby bible" that generally you don't feel the baby until weeks 18-22.  I felt Jaycee around 21 weeks with her kicks.  I swear that I've felt this baby already!  It's not kick feeling but more of flutters every once in a while.  I'm pretty sure it's the baby.  I don't seems to be craving much now days and most things sound good to eat. 
So I'm excited to be to this point and feeling good.  I have already bought large quantities of size 1 and size 2 diapers and found Newborn at Sam's.  I'll prob buy at least one more pack of those.  Now the next step is to find out the sex so I can get the room all ready!  I did find the bedding I want to get if it's a boy
and if it's a girl I'll do the same as Jaycee but add some lavender and lime green or something.  I can't wait until we find out the sex.  Although I still think it's a boy even though I doubt myself.  We'll find out about the beginning of Aug!  Yahoo!


  1. Glad to hear things are going well. You are doing awesome for exercising! I love the bedding. Where is it from? I am so excited too for you to find out. I have some major cute clothes that I bought last year before I knew what we were having. And they will fit your baby if it's a boy since it and Oaks are in the same season. And I felt Oaklee move at about the same time. It wasn't kicks either just moving like flutters.

  2. oh sweets, its so great to hear you feeling alot better; with the exception of a bad day here and there. I think flutters are totally normal and i bet that's exactly what you felt. I love that bedding...super great taste. You are doing so great, and are so prepared. I CANNOT believe you are almost halfway! seems just yesterday when you told me. Love ya sis, talk with you soon :)
