Tuesday, December 17, 2013


When Hadley turned 1 my bc ended and we made the decision to not renew it.  I found it a waste of time to go into the dr and get a new one for only being on it for 4 months.  At this point I had an idea of April was a good time to start trying again.  Well as April came my opinion changed and I was in limbo of what our plan was.  So the plan I had was to have NO PLAN.  Jaycee & Hadi were both kinda stressful when it came to finding out if I was pregnant and when the month would end with no baby I would be sad.  I now felt so content with my 2 little girls and 2 dogs that even a 3rd was a question although I knew deep down our family wasn't finished.  So I decided since I felt content that we weren't going to "try" but also not going to "prevent"  When that time would come I got my hopes up for a baby but when AF came I was okay with that and went on with no problem.  I wish I was like that with the other 2.

We really don't care if we have another girl and a boy would be fantastic too.  I found things online as a joke about how to get a boy from diets to other things.  It was kinda a joke but we did try a few things....haha.  We will see.

My last cycle was Aug 14.  I'm a very regular girl of about 30 days.  So when Sept 13th came,  I bought and took a few tests-Dollar Store greatness.  Both negative.  I decided to wait a few days and try a "good one" and bought an off brand but maybe better than the dollar store---negative.  By Sept 21st came it was frustrating!!!  No AF in sight yet no + test either.  I decided to go on as if I weren't.  That night Craig told me he had a spiritual experience at work that we were pregnant and so I hold on to that feeling when I get down with more negative tests.  I really am okay with not being pregnant yet, but at least tell me a yes or have AF come.  Seriously.  So Wed. Sept 25th came and yup, no period.  If I'm preggers this marks week 6.  I knew that the coming week would bring more symptoms so I'm on the look out.  The next 6 days brought another negative test but also brought sleepiness, different times of feeling nausesa, plenty of mood swings-Craig can atest to that-poor guy, bloating feeling that I can't let my pants be too tight cuz it makes me feel sick and today have sore ta-tas .  So even though Mr. HPT says Negative, my body & Craig's feeling say Positive.  So I guess we'll see what the next days & week bring.  Hopefully a +!!!!!  Tomorrow is Wed and Craig's parents are coming so I hope nothing too drastic so it's not obvious as we like to keep it a secret.  Also it'll mark Week 7.  Keep posted for more fun

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